Points of dispute

When you receive a detailed schedule of costs or bill of costs from an opposing party, you may feel that certain charges are contentious or not justified. The preparation of points of dispute (objections to claims received) involves carefully reviewing these cost schedules and identifying any items that may be excessive, unreasonable, or otherwise questionable. We then prepare and submit a detailed points of dispute document, which outlines the specific areas where we contest the costs. This submission serves to formally challenge the charges, providing clear and well-supported arguments to explain to the opponent and the court why certain costs should be reduced or disallowed.

Points of reply

On receipt of points of dispute, the receiving party will typically respond with their points of reply.  When acting for receiving parties, the excellent DeNovo team will prepare a robust defence of your claim for costs,  providing detailed counterarguments to the opponent’s points of dispute

Expert in the preparation of points dispute and points of reply, DeNovo ensures that your case is robust and well-supported, and that a fair outcome is achieved. Our detailed and knowledgeable  approach to the preparation of submissions helps to protect your financial interests and to achieve a fair resolution